
Peace. Heal. Love.

Dru Yoga, Reiki, The Bowen Technique & Therapeutic Laser for people. Animal Reiki, Canine Bowen Technique and Therapeutic Laser for Animals. Animal and Human Reiki Training Courses. Drum Circles, Women's circles and Ecstatic Awakening Dance

Holistic therapy and healing with Rebecca and Mark. Reiki, Bowen, Canine Bowen and Animal Acupuncture near Stamford, UK


Reiki is an ancient form of healing that was founded in Japan. It allows the 'sender' to connect with a 'recipient' offering spiritual life force, energy. We are all made up of energy. The system of Reiki is connecting to that energy, rebalancing and dusting off the layers that cover up the inner light we all have within us.

Reiki helps on emotional, physical, spiritual and mental levels by uncovering those layers we acquire in life such as worry, stress, pain and anger. Physical problems can be caused by emotional manifestations, Reiki can address the cause of the problem by opening the mind, creating harmony, unblocking meridian lines and reconnecting to our true selves.  

As running water smoothes the jagged edges of a rock until it is small enough to roll away, Reiki flows to the areas of need, soothing pain and supporting the body's natural ability to heal itself. Reiki restores balance in one's life. 

Reiki can be given anywhere, at any time and no special equipment is needed. We have Reiki sessions with people in our serene log cabin to enhance relaxation and offer home visits for animals.

At Peace. Heal. Love we practice and teach traditional Japanese Reiki, Usui Reiki Ryoho. 




The Reiki  (Gokai) Precepts:

Just for today

Do not anger.

Do not worry.

Be Humble.

Be True to your way and being.

Show compassion to yourself and others.





Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, 
and the grass grows by itself. 
Zen saying



How does Reiki work?
It taps into spiritual life force and that energy is shared between the practitioner and recipient. 

What do I have to do during the treatment?
The most important thing is that you are comfortable, if you can you will lie on a massage table. If this is not possible, you can sit. Reiki passes through clothes so there is no need to undress. Some people talk whilst most people choose to close their eyes and relax going into their own meditations.

How long will it last?
Treatments last usually for one hour with time either side for getting comfortable, warm and relaxed.

Will the practitioner touch me?
I usually gently place my hands on the body in a non intrusive sequence of hand positions throughout the whole body, holding each position for a few minutes but I can easily work in the space above the body so there is no need to touch you if you wish. It is all about you being comfortable so you can relax.

It is attached to religion?
There is no faith or belief system attached to Reiki. People from all cultures, philosophies and religions successfully use it, as it is an ancient healing form.

Does the practitioner get tired due to all the energy given?
Quite the opposite, Reiki energises, we connect and share energies and this can only be a positive thing.

What do I get from Reiki? You get whatever your body, mind and spirit needs and wants from Reiki, wherever your imbalances or ailments are the energy will go, for your highest good.

How will I feel afterwards?
Hopefully energised, sometimes people feel a little light headed but mostly relaxed. It is an individual experience. Reiki can release emotions and calm minds.

What does Reiki feel like?
It is different for each person. Some people feel changes in temperature, heat is common, some feel electricity, tickling sensations, some see colours.

Will I be tired afterwards?
This is individual also, hopefully you will feel energised and relaxed.

Bowen Technique

The Bowen technique is a gentle form of bodywork, developed in Australia during the 1950's and 1960's by the late Tom Bowen.

Bowen is an extremely versatile therapy with many procedures available that can be applied to different situations depending on the needs of the individual. For example, we may need to conduct the hamstring procedure or we may need to address your pelvic alignment depending on the problems you are experiencing. 

Ultimately the technique helps the body to balance and re-align itself on many levels, it is truly holistic in that we might be treating something very specific but this will also have an impact upon other difficulties that you are experiencing.

The results experienced with Bowen are often remarkable, sometimes even after the first session.

Bowen works on skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves. A Bowen treatment will also address deeper levels of the body including fascia and the skeleton. These moves work directly with the body's fascia and send signals via your nervous system which helps your body retrieve its memory of a relaxed and balanced state of being. 

Sessions are gentle and non invasive. Bowen moves are made over specific points of the body either on the skin or through light clothing with frequent pauses giving the body time  to benefit from each set of mevements. Treatment is suitable for all age groups and many pregnant women have benefited from Bowen. Bowen can be performed on babies, children and even animals such as horses and dogs and cats.

By working on the muscles and fascia together we can affect the way the body structure works. The fascia is the sheet of connective tissue that covers the structures of the body responsible for your posture and allows flexibility and movement between various parts of the body.  For example, correcting the way we hold our spine will help you adopt a less painful posture.

Rebecca is a member of the Bowen Association UK. Practitioners have to adhere to a strict code of professional conduct, are fully trained in the Bowen Technique, hold an Anatomy and Physiology qualification, first aid certificate and undergo postgraduate training. 


How does Bowen work?
In a Bowen session we apply light moves to specific places on the body either on the skin or through light clothing.  Moves are made on skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves.  A Bowen treatment will also address deeper levels of the body including fascia and skeleton.  These moves work directly with the body's fascia and send signals via your nervous system which helps your body retrieve its memory of a relaxed state of being.

What do I have to do during the treatment?
The most important thing is that you are comfortable, for some moves you will lie on a massage table and for some treatments you will sit or stand.

How long will it last?
Treatments last usually for one hour with time either side for getting comfortable, warm and relaxed and discussing your requirements

What problems can Bowen treat?

  • Allergies

  • Baby and childhood problems

  • Back problems

  • Bladder problems including bedwetting

  • Bowel and digestive problems

  • Dizziness

  • Ear problems

  • Emotional problems

  • Fatigue

  • Fluid retention

  • Foot problems

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Headaches, migraines and sinus problems

  • Jaw problems

  • Knee and hip misalignments

  • Menstrual and hormone problems

  • Pelvic tilt, leg length and hip imbalance

  • Poor mobility

  • Respiratory problems

  • Skeletal and muscular problems

  • Sports injuries

  • Stress

Will the therapist touch me?
Yes. Bowen works on the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. Gentle rolling movements are performed usually on skin, but can be done over loose clothing if required.  Your body is always covered as you are draped with towels and blankets.

How will I feel afterwards?

What does Bowen feel like?
It  feels like gentle touch sometimes you feel the muscle groups move but it is not usually uncomfortable.