Peace. Heal. Love.

Dru Yoga, Reiki, The Bowen Technique & Therapeutic Laser for people. Animal Reiki, Canine Bowen Technique and Therapeutic Laser for Animals. Animal and Human Reiki Training Courses. Drum Circles, Women's circles and Ecstatic Awakening Dance

Holistic therapy and healing with Rebecca and Mark. Reiki, Bowen, Canine Bowen and Animal Acupuncture near Stamford, UK

Grief and grieving - Saturday 4th May, 2-4pm With Linda Doe at Peace heal Love

Grief is an emotionally painful response to loss – of a loved one often – but we grieve also as a response to divorce, mental health challenges, aging, life transitions, career, those who are living but lost to us somehow … the list is long and the sense of loss can last for decades

This workshop is for anyone wishing to explore their feelings of grief or loss in a safe and warm place of comfort and compassion and for those who may wish to offer personal support to someone experiencing grief or loss

We will consider the balance of healing ourselves and helping others

You will be invited to connect with your body through simple yoga postures, gentle movement and the breath. We will work on release, relief and comfort through guided relaxation

We will explore being in our body with grief, observing mindfully and with self-compassion and care for ourselves

We will consider the pillars of wellness and you will be encouraged to identify ways in which to build your resilience and be your best friend to yourself in your journey through loss

You may wish to bring a journal or notebook to record any thoughts

About me:

I am a very experienced safe space holder, yoga and meditation teacher, swimmer, musician and holistic therapist. I am a chartered and registered psychologist, choosing to practice holistically in Deeping. You can find me at

Please note: The session is not suitable for you if you are experiencing very recent bereavement, PTSD or recent traumatic loss.

Book below Linda’s photograph


Sounds of the Heart with Dilraj Kaur At peace heal love. Saturday 11th May 7pm- 8.30pm

Every heart longs to Sing. We are a musical instrument.

My name is Dilraj Kaur, I am a Kundalini Yoga teacher, senior organiser of a social justice charity 'Peterborough Citizens', a mother of 2 and a 'Singer'. Why do I put 'singer' in quotation marks I hear you say?

I grew up in Indian Sikh philosophy where people gather to sing and chant, it doesn't matter what you sound like, it's an expression of love.

Traditionally yoga had chanting and 'singing' in ALL types of yoga, but when it was brought to the west, and yoga became a 'brand', marketing companies knew the 'chanting' and 'singing' bit would not sell to western audiences, thus removing it entirely.

Spiritually, this means that yoga became about body (and body image!) rather than the union of mind body&soul. And on a deeper level, the yoga practiced can only activate upto the heart chakra, completely excluding the throat chakra which is our gateway to speaking and being our authentic selves.

I love singing, I've had to shed a lot of judgements about calling myself a singer. I now call myself a singer, and when I say it out loud to people, the response is "yes you do have a good voice actually". Maybe to some, and maybe not to others. I've let go of needing the validation of others' definition of what it means to be a singer and I've done the work to get back in touch with my roots of chanting, singing and making sounds to connect with my true self.

I'm on a mission to reclaim our voice! Our self judgements and socital judgements about sound, voice and singing! Break through silencing yourself, shed your vocal shame and come open your throat chakra. I'd like to invite you to unlock your authentic self. Rise from your heart through your throat and make "Sounds from the heart"

No experience needed. No need to be a "singer". Just bring yourself, water, whatever emotion you're in and a pre-paid exchange of £12 to grab a space.

This class is 7-8.30pm and then there is an invitation to stay for a hot drink and a chat with an optional food share from 8.30pm